Sunday, June 28, 2009
Week Ending June 28th
Saturday by far was the best day for action. We caught one and everybody at least had a good bite or two. The heartbreak for the day happened right at quitting time. Ms. Dorothy had a salmon strike so hard that it almost took the rod and reel into the river. She was having problems holding onto the rod so I tried to assist while everyone else was trying to get their lines out of the way. As she was holding on for dear life she accidentally hit the release lever on the reel and the line backlashed into a knot. I grabbed the rod and tried to get the knot out but the king headed down stream and snapped the 30lb leader with no effort. There's no doubt in my mind that was a large fish and if there is an upside I'm sure it would have fallen into the slot limit and we would have had to let it go. Ms. Dorothy said she will be back to get even and to get one of my favorite plugs back!
Overall, the fishing on the Kenai remains very tough. It seems like the sonar counts have been fine but the catch rate does not coincide with the numbers. I would have to say that this has been the slowest fishing that I have seen for the early run of Kenai kings. 2002 was worse but since they closed the river in June for fishing I can't tell you exactly how "slow" the fishing truly was.
So, how is your weather? On Tuesday and Saturday when I walked down to my boat I had frost on the seats. Good luck with the triple digit temperatures down south.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Week Ending June 21st
The saltwater fishing for halibut continues to be good and the Russian River red salmon run continues to be strong. This year has been more important than ever to be flexible and to spread out your fishing adventures to cover other areas. Luckily my clients this week planned in advance to not only fish the Kenai, but Homer and in Seward as well. Somewhere in their week they'll have one of the best fishing trips of their lives. My fingers are crossed that it will be the Kenai.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Russian River Continues To Be Red Hot

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Red Salmon Fishing Is Hot!

The Kenai king fishing remains slow and a few fish are being caught daily by the fleet. Every tide and every day we are all hoping that the bite will increase. Oh well, at least the weather has been great!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Fishing Report Week Ending 6/13
I'd like to thank Mike and Amber for sticking it out for several days. I would also like to thank Althea, Duane, Tim, Judy, Ron, Sue, Keith, Bud and Betty for their perseverance as well.
On a positive note, the Kenai has been clearing up everyday and the likelihood of the use of bait is just around the corner. Also, the Russian River opened for red salmon fishing on 6/11 and all reports have been outstanding. I may have to check out for myself.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
June 4th report--2/2 Thursday

We started out at Airplane Hole and on the first troll Kevin caught a nice 25 lb king. After working our way down the river to Eagle Rock Christopher was next and landed a beautiful 24 1/2 lb king. Dad's fish weighed more but Christopher's was longer so they both have bragging rights. For me, hearing from both of them that "this is the biggest fish I have ever caught" absolutely made my day.
Good luck at the U of M Christopher and "Go Gophers!"

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
June King
So, here is the first king caught in June. Team Texas consisting of Zach (pictured), Tim, and Dana patiently put a day in to land this fish. Not the largest fish but it certainly was a good fighter. Zach was hoping to bring some fillets back to Texas but instead decided to barbecue this fish for dinner. Hard to beat a fresh salmon right out of the water.
The early run of king salmon is starting to shape up. Yesterday 205 salmon came through the sonar and the cumulative run since May 16th is 2,117. It's a safe bet that the Department of Fish an Game will be able to meet their escapement goal which means the river will open to bait soon. Hard to say exactly when that will happen but when it does the catching should improve considerably.
Stay tuned....
p.s. to Robert Allen, this fish was caught 50 feet from where you caught your fish last year.