Perfect, I thought, because the tide would be coming in at about that time. We fished for about a half an hour and the first salmon bit my line. As Jane was reeling in a second salmon hit her line. A double. I landed Jane's fish first but we had trouble getting the hooks and the fish out of the net. So, thinking fast I decided to net my fish while Jane's fish was still in the net. What you see on floor of the boat was the result. We could have fished for another half hour but it didn't take us long to realize how perfect it would be to end the season right then and there. Wow, what a great way to say good bye to the Kenai for another year.
So, photo number 2 is Renae and Kevin who came back to fish one last time. Photo number 3 is Bill and Jason. Photo number 4 is Jason. And finally, photo number 5 is Bill and Jason. My hats off to Bill and Jason for sticking out during a couple of days of bad weather. One morning the thermometer read 24 degrees. It wasn't until 11:00 a.m. that the frost finally melted off of the boat seats. Another day it was blowing and raining very hard and they stuck it out like troopers. I guess it's growing up in North Dakota/Minnesota that has hardened them to all weather conditions. It doesn't hurt that the fishing wasn't too bad either.
This won't be our last post but it is the last fishing report. I titled this entry "When Silvers Were King" because '09 turned out to be an excellent silver year while the king fishing not as good as previous years.
It's time to winterize the boat and the cabins. As time permits we will be sure to give all of you an update.