What's in a name? Plenty.
Luhr Jensen the maker of the Kwikfish has several stock colors. Some are descriptive like purple, cerise, and chrome, while others are unique. Here are examples of the creatively named lures: Funky Chicken, Slammer, Flame Thrower, Willie's Secret,Trapper, Bubba, Gummy Worm, Xmas Tree, Blue Magoo, Glad Clown, Gay Boy, Green Machine, Grinch, Double Trouble, Cheese Measles, Green Butt Skunk, Fickle Pickle, Dill Pickle, Scarlett Fever, and Electric Blue.
These are the actual names on the packages and believe me there are many more (Trustworthy Hardware claims to have 55 custom colors). Kenai guides, being a creative bunch themselves, have given many of these lures "unofficial" names. Here are a few examples: Dennis Rodman, Michael Jackson, Vancouver Canuck, Mandingo,Tammy Faye, Fancy Pants, Sarah Palin, and the Redoubt.
I prefer not to tell you about how one of the lures became known as Fancy Pants but feel free to ask me about it in the boat. I will, however, tell you how the Popsickle color became known as the Sarah Palin plug. Joe, a great client who has become a great friend was out fishing king salmon with me this past July. After several hours Joe's Popsickle kwikfish was slammed by a king salmon. After about a ten minute fight we get the fish next to the boat and before we can see the fish the lure pops free and floats to the surface. Joe turns to me and says, "don't ever put on that Sarah Palin lure on again." A bit stumped I asked what he meant by "Sarah Palin lure". Without missing a beat he said "she quit on me!" Great story and a great name for a kwikfish.
So, anybody else have any names, actual or created, for their kwikfish? Post them on the comment section and please try to keep it clean!