The 2010 Kenai king salmon is officially over. We had some good "catching" days and not so good "catching" days but the fishing was GREAT. Thanks to all of you who joined me on a trip or two on the world famous Kenai River. Sharing this river with so many good people is what makes it easy for me to get up every morning at 4:00am.
The last week of the season was fun for me because I was fishing full day trips with Team Oregon and Team Canada. Team Oregon consisted of Karen, Peg, Karen, Susie, and Ray. Team Canada consisted of Jim "aka Fuzzy", Kirk "aka Cut Plug", Ty "aka Fortuneless Fortune Cookie", Rocco, Rick, and Jake. For Team Oregon let's just say I may have to have a bag of cheetos and Orvis the Bear on my boat every season. Now to the photos. The top photo is Karen with her beautiful king salmon. Photo two is her dad Ray. The next photo is the good luck charm Orvis. Photo four is Susie and Ray with a couple of nice kings that where taken on a day that we actually had sunshine.
I suppose you're wondering where the photos of Team Canada are. The boys had been to Seward before they came here and they had over 700lbs of fillets to go back home with and decided that their Kenai trip would be about fishing and not keeping. It was kind of nice to release fish on the river and have surrounding boats applaud us for doing so. Wish I would have taken a few pictures of their fish but I find when we are on catch and release mode I don't want to stress the fish any more than I have to. Overall the numbers of fish released did not match their 2008 trip, but they still had a great time.
One last note, yesterday I took Kathy, Peg, and Lou out for an experimental day of pink/silver fishing. We casted spinners behind a few islands and caught quite a few pinks, a couple of dollies, and one silver. It should be a good start to the new season.