Big Willie. A Renaissance man. Larger than life. A man's man. Problem solver. It all applies to the guy sitting in the boat above and I can't say enough about him.
Will Jahrig may seem familiar to you. If you spent any amount of time at the cabins you've probably run into Will Jahrig and his wife Becky. They keep their boat on the dock and are out here fishing the river all summer long. Anyway, Jane and I were lucky enough to buy Beaver Creek Cabins from the Jahrig's nine years ago. From the dock to the cabins Will and Becky built this place from the ground up. They did a great job and we're both trying hard to continue their tradition.
So, the real purpose of this tribute is to show one of Will's many talents. He builds boats, paints them, and rigs them out. Last fall I was sitting in my boat on the dock and Will thought it was about time for my boat to be scrubbed up. It was definitely looking rough and it wasn't hard to persuade me to have it cleaned up for the 2011 season.

Here's a "before" shot of my boat stripped out and ready to be painted. Pretty ugly I must say.

Here's an "after" shot of the boat after Will got done with it.

And another shot of it from the side.
Every year I think about buying a new boat but it seems pointless when Will can make a Willie boat look brand new. I know cleaning it up once in awhile sure makes Jane and Peter (CPA and life advisor) happy. I know I am.
Thanks a lot big Will for fitting my boat in on your "off" time.