Sunday, September 15, 2019

Fishing Report Week Ending 9/15/19

There was a whole lot of this happening this past week....sitting around waiting for a bite. Other than one day when we caught four silvers, and another day when we caught nine, we had what my grandpa would call Lawrence Welk fishing. What's that you ask? Well, Lawrence Welk fishing is when you catch....a one and a two, and a one and two....

For three days I fished with Mike, Michael, Dick, and Rich. We were never shut out, but it would have been nice to find a few more fish each day. Still, enough fish were landed to fill a nice sized fish box for each of them to bring home. A 90lb halibut caught by Michael in Homer sure helped to get that done.
Here's Mike with a nice, bright silver salmon.

And here's his son Michael holding up another beauty.

The next three days I got caught up with the Bloch family. Hard to believe that is was six years ago when we last fished silver salmon together. Here's the fish whisperer Ruth with her first fish of the day.

And here she is with her second fish of the day.

We finished the week fishing in the rain. I always say you need to be a little bit miserable to catch September silvers and that is exactly what happened. That's Dan and Audria kneeling in the front, and in the back, Ruth and Bob.

Even though the fishing this past week was on the slow side, the time on the water was well spent. I had the pleasure to be with two outstanding groups who really made the days enjoyable. I'm sad to see you all go, but I know I'll see you again in the future.

Speaking of the future, my immediate future has me on the river for the next couple of weeks. Come back in seven days for a new fishing report. See you then.

Beaver Creek Cabins & Guide Service

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